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Google "Profiling" Facebook

Posted by John B. Frank Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Google Targeting Facebook for a Hit? 
Editor's Note:  Based on conversations I've had with several people, the general consensus is that Facebook is teetering on the brink of "has been" land.  Or should I say "tweetering?"  For example, they certainly could use a person to person payment platform, yet recently announced they have killed that idea.  I don't know what they are waiting for.  (Maybe for a couple of their 20 somethings to hit 30 and be a little smarter)) Problem is...I don't know if they have the luxury waiting... 

Here's an article which flat out states that Facebook is being "profiled" and will be "faced" by Google.   

Google has a "Facebook killer" on its hands. And, no, I'm not talking about Google's Orkut social network (unless you live in Brazil, where Orkut has already "killed" Facebook).

Google is just one acquisition away from offering a social network that does everything Facebook does, minus all the things everybody hates about Facebook.

This social network is called Google Profiles.

You can choose a "vanity URL" of sorts, meaning you can use your Gmail address as part of your Google Profiles URL. (The URL used to use a long string of numbers.) For example, my new URL is:

Looking at it now, you'd never guess that Google Profiles is the biggest potential threat to Facebook anywhere. But Profiles is still missing one crucial ingredient.  (Editor's Note: Can you say: "Twitter"?)

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