Consumers wishing to keep closer tabs on personal finances, and aggressive moves by banks to acquire new business, caused continued growth in the number of US online banking customers throughout 2008, according to comScore's annual review of the online banking industry.
The April 2009 comScore State of Online Banking report, based on passively observed online behavioral data from the comScore Online Bank Benchmarker and a 2009 survey of nearly 5,000 US online banking customers, provides insights into service usage, customer satisfaction, personal financial management and paperless banking.
Key findings are highlighted below (courtesy of MarketingCharts).
Top Online Banks Continue to Acquire Customers
After several years of strong growth in the use of online banking at the top-10 banks, the second half of 2007 showed the first signs of softness as sequential quarterly growth rates fell below 1%. This growth rate rebounded somewhat in 2008 as banks became more aggressive in their online banking customer acquisition efforts.
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John B. Frank
Thursday, April 23, 2009
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