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PIN Debit Payments Blog Now "PIN Payments Blog"

Posted by John B. Frank Monday, February 23, 2009

You may have noticed something different about the HomeATM Blog today...

The PIN Debit Payments Blog has decided to change it's name to simply The PIN Payments Blog. You can see the change reflected in the banner above vs the one pictured below. Not a major change to be sure, but I thought I'd address it. Although most everything else will remain the same, the reasoning behind the change is that HomeATM is in no way "limited" to providing only PIN Debit Payments. HomeATM can process credit cards just as easily as debit but employs a unique approach to credit card processing by providing an "end to end encrypted" (E2EE) process by attaching a "PIN" to credit cards. In fact...

We are the only provider that we are aware of who (and based on the fact that our process is patent-pending, I assume it will stay that way until further notice) can offer and provide "PIN Credit Payments" as well as "PIN Debit Payments." I talk more about that below.

In addition, we enable a secure E2EE PIN Mobile Payments platform... a dually-authenticated E2EE PIN Based P2P Payments platform and yes, we can even provide business owners with an E2EE approach for PIN Based B2B payments enabling SME's to pay invoices to their regular suppliers. With HomeATM's B2B platform we enable SME's to issue and reload Corporate Prepaid Cards in order for them to be used for business travel or expenses. We can do the same in situations that have a need and desire to implement a secure Payroll Card Platform.

So HATM, as a whole, is by no means limited to PIN Debit, but is in essence, one of the industry's leading "PIN Payments Providers" hence the name change to the "PIN Payments Blog."

Today I'll talk more about our PIN Credit Application. Most likely you've probably never heard the term PIN Credit, but there are some underlying reasons behind why our engineers have come up with our patent-pending approach to attaching a PIN to a credit card. Let's take a closer look...

Over the course of the last several months, I've talked about our "PIN my Card" program. To review, HomeATM's PIN my Card application, will alow credit card users to assign a PIN code to their credit cards. This unique offering provides a couple of distinct advantages.

First, and foremost, it allows for the end-to-end encryption of credit cards processed by online shoppers. In today's fraud-smitten environment, we feel our PIN my Card program can virtually eliminate fraud. Secondly, it will allow our CNP2CP
(Card Not Present to Card Present) process to occur with a credit card. This is important to consumers because it ensures that it is them using their card rather than a fraudster simply typing in their Personal Acccount Number that they stole from, using the most recent example... Heartland Payments.

also also provides important benefits to Internet Retailers as well.

For one, A CNP2CP
enabled transaction provides a safer environment, along with the lower interchange rates associated with the vastly more secure "CP" transaction. Secondly, by attaching a PIN to a credit card, we provides retailers with the ability to accept a dually-authenticated transaction, thus an additional layer of security. (What you have/Card and What You Know/PIN). This added layer of security further reduces interchange fees. Combined, Internet Retailers can save up to 100 basis points vs. the way they now process credit card transactions.

So at the end of the day, when the smoke clears, HomeATM is not limited to providing PIN Debit Payments by instead PIN Payments as a whole. For that reason, we have decided to change the name of the blog to the PIN Payments Blog. We will continue to strive towards bringing you the latest payments news from around the globe with an emphasis on security along with latest developments from HomeATM. Thanks for visiting the HomeATM PIN Payments Blog and feel free to leave any comments below. Here's more on the Chip and PIN Dilemma...

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Our secure two-factor online banking authentication eliminates dangerous passwords and usernames and replicates the same trusted process used to access cash at ATM's. (Insert Bank Issued Card, Enter Bank Issued PIN)

There is an R.O.I. as FI's also earn recurring revenue from each transaction conducted using our PCI 2.0 Certified PIN Entry Device. Our technology also provides a unique real-time P2P "Instant-Transfer" which allows your online banking customer to transfer cash from ANY of their bankcards to ANY other bankcard...with the Swipe of a card.

Help your bank eliminate phishing and your customers avoid identity theft by providing them with the ability to stop typing and start swiping. There is no safer way to conduct financial transactions online than by 3DES DUKPT encrypting the cardholder details, which we do at the mag-head "inside the box/outside the browser."

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