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HomeATM Slider Now Compatible with Your Blackberry!

Posted by John B. Frank Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yesterday, in a post I sarcastically dubbed "DumbPhoneded" I talked about security vs. convenience and a new McAfee report showing mobile device manufacturers are seeing more malware attacks than ever before.   Here's some excerpts from DarkReading's Smartphone Threats Intensify
  • Security threats were bound to catch up with the proliferation of smartphones across the enterprise...
  • Experts have long warned that smartphones...could become the new weakest link in the enterprise...
  • But they are [typically] completely bypassing the IT infrastructure." They are also bypassing security, he says, putting sensitive data at risk...
  • McAfee's report, which is based on a survey of 30-plus mobile device manufacturers from around the world, found these vendors are getting hit with more malware attacks than ever before. As a result, they are spending more money on recovering from them.
  • Around 48 percent said their devices accounted for data loss problems, up from around 27 percent in 2007. (Editor's Note: You mean like my card information, and other personal data?)
      Of course, as this blog has been consistently stating, if you want security in your transactions, it CANNOT be done in a browser environment and that especially includes phones.  Think of the highly publicized Caylee Anthony case.  Her mother's every single phone call, every single text...(even pinged her locations) to PINpoint her whereabouts on certain days and certain times.  If they can do it, don't think for a moment the hackers can't.

      In fact, they are "wizards" at it.

      So should you ever be in the market for a "guaranteed" secure/end-to-end encrypted financial transaction (send or receive: direct payment, person 2 person, bill pay, you name it) using existing bank rails, there's no place like HomeATM.
      P.S.  Our Smart Phone Personal Swiping Device is network agnostic. CDMA or GSM and will secure transactions via phone to PC, phone to merchant, phone to phone, etc. 

      For more information, feel free to contact me and I'll make sure you get to through to the necessary channels.
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