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Smart Card, Dumb Move - Fake ATM at DEFCON

Posted by John B. Frank Monday, August 3, 2009

There are some dumb moves and then there are some really dumb moves.  Like robbing a Dunkin Donuts full of off duty cops.  Here's one for the ages.  A hacker planted a fake ATM at the DEFCON conference in Las Vegas, the world's largest hacker convention.  Was it a joke?  If not, the IQ of the hacker who placed it there is...

From Engadet

The hooligans in this case have a dry sense of humor or are extremely unlucky: Either way, we can't help but get a chuckle out of the fact that someone placed their smart card skimmin' faux ATM at the Riviera Hotel Casino in Las Vegas -- during DEFCON, the world's largest hacker convention. No one can say exactly how long the kiosk was there -- at least the kids were smart enough to place it right outside the security office, one of the few places in the conference center not under surveillance. It was picking up on this last fact that aroused the suspicion of Brian Markus, CEO of Aries Security. When shining a light through the glass panel that should house a camera, he instead found the PC that was set up to skim people's data. He then notified security, who removed the device and once again made the world safe for hackers and their bank accounts.


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