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Melissa Hathaway Logs Off as Cyber-Security Tsar/Czar

Posted by John B. Frank Tuesday, August 4, 2009

According to CBR Online, President Obama has lost the acting cyber tsar he appointed just six months ago to head his new White House office of cybersecurity.  According to media reports in the US press this morning, Melissa Hathaway has resigned for personal reasons. The top cybersecurity aide apparently plans to return to the private sector.

Breaking the story, The Wall Steet Journal noted that ‘the resignationhighlights the difficulty the White House has had following through onits cybersecurity effort.’ This is despite US intelligence officialsgrowing increasingly concerned about Chinese and Russian cyberspiessurveilling American infrastructure and military networks.

Hathaway was a former consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton. She came in as a cyber coordination executive for the director of national intelligence.  It was widely expected that she would eventually be named as Assistant to the President for Cyberspace, a position recommended when the Center for Strategic and International Studies commission said Obama needed create a National Office for Cyberspace, headed by a direct report.

Hathaway has chaired the National Cyber Study Group (NCSG), a senior-level inter-agency body and is recognized as being instrumental in developing the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI).

Reportedly Hathaway had become dismayed by the slow pace of the appointment process and had not felt empowered enough to drive through some of the changes she had expected to have been made.

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