All Top Banking

Quddit: $23 Quadrillion for a Pack of Smokes?

Posted by John B. Frank Wednesday, July 15, 2009

NH man charged $23 quadrillion dollars, plus fee

Editor's Note:  How big $23 quadrillion dollars?  Take the picture on the left and multiply that by 2300

MANCHESTER, N.H.—JoshMuszynski (Mu 'SIN' ski) swiped his debit card at a gas station to buya pack of cigarettes. His bank account showed he spent over 23quadrillion dollars.  (Editor's Note:  New tax on cigarettes perhaps?)
Hechecked his account online a few hours later, expecting to see a couplehundred dollars -- but the 17-digit number that rivals even thenational debt confronted him. 

Muszynski called Bank of Americaabout the string of numbers and a $15 overdraft fee the bank tacked on(while I have ya on the phone, there's also the issue of the $15 bucks) to his mysterious debt. 

After two hours on the phone, Muszynski said,the representative on the line had no idea what to say, WMUR-TVreported.  (Editor's Note:  Why would anyone spend 2 hours on the phone with anyone to learn they have no idea what to say?  What did they say for two hours?  Maybe that was the time it took to take the $15 bucks off...)

The bank corrected his statement the next day.   (wonder if he got the smokes free?)

Editor's Note:  Speaking of statments, Bank of America told WMUR the card issuer, Visa, could only answer questions. Visa, in turn, referred questions to the bank.

1 Responses to Quddit: $23 Quadrillion for a Pack of Smokes?

  1. chandeliers Says:
  2. Those must have been some good smokes.


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