It seemed like a logical leap: If you already provide shoppers withcoupons online, what's to stop you from offering them an online sourcefor e-gift cards? So the founders of online gift card company CashStarpooled resources with online shopping coupon mogul Coupons Inc. tocreate an outlet for merchants to offer more services than areavailable from plastic gift cards hanging on pegs in stores. ThoughCashStar's founders quickly were met with lots of encouragement, theyhad few takers in their efforts to sign up merchants to try out thee-gift card experience.
Find out how our patented technology can empower your financial institution.
Our secure two-factor online banking authentication eliminates dangerous passwords and usernames and replicates the same trusted process used to access cash at ATM's. (Insert Bank Issued Card, Enter Bank Issued PIN)
There is an R.O.I. as FI's also earn recurring revenue from each transaction conducted using our PCI 2.0 Certified PIN Entry Device. Our technology also provides a unique real-time P2P "Instant-Transfer" which allows your online banking customer to transfer cash from ANY of their bankcards to ANY other bankcard...with the Swipe of a card.
Help your bank eliminate phishing and your customers avoid identity theft by providing them with the ability to stop typing and start swiping. There is no safer way to conduct financial transactions online than by 3DES DUKPT encrypting the cardholder details, which we do at the mag-head "inside the box/outside the browser."