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Illinois Lawmakers Approve Online Gambliing

Posted by John B. Frank Monday, June 1, 2009

While HomeATM was at ETA, we had the pleasure to meet with the folks from who are taking a look at our real-time payments solution.  With momentum beginning to build towards the reversal of UIGEA ban, (Barney Frank) it appears that some states are simply not going to take a wait-and-see approach on what the Federal Government decides.

Last week I wrote that California is weighing in on legalizing online gambling, meanwhile, Illinois lawmakers passed a Bill late last weekthat "will" allow online gambling. The Bill was passed in both the Houseand the Senate, and now only awaits the signature of the governor ofIllinois.  The new law will allow residents to bet on horse racesfrom the comfort of their own homes, through the Internet. The measureis being met with widespread excitement from people in Illinois.

State legislators were uncertain as to how the UIGEA ban might affectthe online gambling action in Illinois. Other states allowing Internetgambling, such as New Hampshire and North Dakota who use the Internetto sell lottery tickets, have found the payment block to inadvertentlyinclude programs it should exempt.

The new system will allow the establishment of online accounts. Wagerscould be placed from home computers, and winnings and losses dded anddeducted from the balance, just like barred online casinos.

The House voted 87-27 to pass the measure, just days after videogambling machines were legalized throughout the state. A bill seekingto expand casino gambling was voted down.

"Hopefullythis is only the first step," said Billy Cormate, " if we are allowedto bet on horse online, then we should also have the right to playpoker or play at an online casinos."
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