Facebook Overtakes MySpace
JUNE 18, 2009 YourSpace is shrinking.
In May 2009, Facebook became the most popular US social networking site.But it was close.
According to comScore,Facebook totaled 70,278,000 unique visitors, up 97% from May 2008 toMay 2009. MySpace hits shrank 5% over the same timeframe, fading to70,255,000 unique visitors.
Possibly in response to the trend, MySpace downsized around 400 employees.
“Simply put, our staffing levels were bloated and hindered ourability to be an efficient and nimble team-oriented company,” saidMySpace CEO Owen Van Natta in a statement.
MySpace still dominates Facebook in one importantrespect—advertising. MySpace visitors viewed 31.8 million ads in April2009, accounting for almost 47% of the total social network advertisingspace. Facebook was second, serving nearly 25 million ads and making upabout 37% of the sector.
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