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More Shoppers Moving Online - eMarketer

Posted by John B. Frank Tuesday, November 18, 2008

NOVEMBER 18, 2008

Online Buyers Active but Practical

Apparel and books will likely do fine this holiday. Jewelry, not so much.

More than three-quarters of US online adults made a purchase over the Web in the previous six months, according to a November 2008 study by Nielsen Online.

Respondents conducted a wide range of purchases and financial transactions.

Nearly four out of 10 online buyers had made a travel purchase during the past six months, and more than one-third had managed their credit card or banking accounts online. Top product purchase categories included apparel and books.

“The challenge for retailers is no longer how to lure shoppers online, but how to differentiate their brand among all others,” said Nachi Lolla, research director at Nielsen Online, in a statement.

Heading into this competitive holiday shopping season, selection, price and customer service are the key areas retailers can shine.”

That behavior is notable in light of a survey of online buyers surveyed in April 2008 by Piper Jaffray. At the time, respondents said they expected to reduce their purchases across all retail product categories, especially for nonessential goods such as jewelry, watches and event tickets.

Graphic 2: Planned Change in the Amount of Retail Products Purchased by Category according to US Online Buyers, 2008 (% of respondents)

“As the pool of new online buyers begins to dry up, Web retailers will focus on strategies that help them retain customers, such as improving customer service, offering personalized product recommendations and incorporating user ratings and reviews,” said Jeffrey Grau, senior analyst at eMarketer.

“E-mail will continue to be an important way for Web retailers to stay in touch with customers.”

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