According to CR80 News, Heartland Payment Systems’ Campus Solutions division is integratingits Campus OneCard with Alert Notification, a nationwide membershipservice that provides a 24-hour-a-day call center to alert family whenan accident or medical emergency occurs. Students who sign up for the Alert Notification system will havetheir Alert Notification numbers on their OneCards. If an incidentoccurs, emergency personnel report it to the call center and give thestudent’s Alert Notification number. The call center in turn notifiesthat person’s “in case of emergency” contacts.
Heartland’sCampus OneCard is a multi-functional campus ID card as well as aprepaid card that can pay for books, laundry, vending and off-campuspurchases. In addition, the card can provide access control toresidence halls and campus buildings and has campus-wide notificationabilities–enabling administrators to reach an entire campus or selectgroups with emergency messaging.
“This new offering enables us to bring the best aspects of campussecurity and personal safety to our campus clients. Not only do weprovide access control and mass notification, but we now have theenhancement of emergency notification to alert contacts if an accidenthappens,” said Fred Emery, vice president and general manager,Heartland Campus Solutions.
Heartland’sCampus OneCard is a multi-functional campus ID card as well as aprepaid card that can pay for books, laundry, vending and off-campuspurchases. In addition, the card can provide access control toresidence halls and campus buildings and has campus-wide notificationabilities–enabling administrators to reach an entire campus or selectgroups with emergency messaging.
“This new offering enables us to bring the best aspects of campussecurity and personal safety to our campus clients. Not only do weprovide access control and mass notification, but we now have theenhancement of emergency notification to alert contacts if an accidenthappens,” said Fred Emery, vice president and general manager,Heartland Campus Solutions.